AQ Assured by AsureQuality, New Zealand's Government-owned food assurance company.

Maui Sheep Skim Milk Powder


  • 100% pure NZ sheep milk
  • A2-type milk
  • Pasture fed
  • Free range
  • High in calcium
  • High in protein
  • No additives
  • Antibiotic free
  • Halal certified

Maui Milk sheep milk powder is made using 100% pure New Zealand milk from free range sheep located within the Waikato region of New Zealand.

The milk is sourced from 10 exclusive milk supply farms which are all located within a short distance of the factory.

Maui map

A2-type milk

The raw milk used in the manufacture of Maui Sheep Milk Powder is sourced from Maui’s own Southern Cross™ breed of sheep, which naturally produce the A2 β-casein type protein.

Independent testing of the product confirms that the A1 β-casein type protein is below the quantification level of the analytical method used.

Pasture Raised, Pasture Fed

The farms supplying sheep milk to Maui Milk use a pastoral-based farming system without the use of indoor barns.

The sheep free range outside all year round where they graze on fresh grass and forage crops as their main food source. They are provided with supplementary feed to ensure their nutritional needs are met.

Sheep On Pasture

Maui Milk holds a NZ FernMark License (Licence No.100123) which verifies that the product has been made in New Zealand.

Maui Milk skim sheep milk powder is made from 100% raw sheep milk, there are no added preservatives, additives, sugar, colouring or flavouring.

A recent New Zealand study suggests that sheep milk may be more readily digested than other milk sources.

Maui Milk skim sheep milk powder is shelf stable for 24 months when unopened and stored under ambient conditions.

  • Pasture raised, pasture fed
  • Antibiotic free
  • GMO free
  • Naturally high in protein (on average 8.0g/100mL)
  • Contains all essential amino acids
  • High in natural calcium* (diets high in calcium may help enhance bone density)
  • High in Vitamin B2 and B12*
  • Pasture can be defined as grasses, plantain, clover, rye, lucerne, chicory and other vegetative plant material that is consumed through free range grazing. Forage crops including brassica and fodder beet varietals may also be cultivated on farm for the sheep to graze.

    *Based on a single 150mL serving size

    New Zealand Sheep Milk Nutritional Composition

    Component NZ Sheep Milk Cow Milk
    Total Protein (%) 6.2 3.3-3.9
    Fat/Lipids (%) 6.7 4.6-5.3
    Calcium (mg/100mL) 193 114
    Phosphorus (mg/100mL) 157 87
    Magnesium (mg/100mL) 20 7-12
    Vitamin B2 (ug/100mL) 406 200
    Vitamin B12 (ug/100mL) 0.68 0.27-0.7

    Note. This data has been retrieved from Ag Research (n.d). New Zealand Sheep Milk Nutritional Composition. 

    Family Sheep Milk

Laboratory Tested for Safety and Quality

Maui Milk skim sheep milk powder is tested for safety and quality, using both factory (in-house) and independent accredited laboratories.

Testing is undertaken at each step along the supply chain, from the raw milk on farm, during processing through to the final product, ensuring the product complies with NZ regulations and standards. Testing includes:

  • Physical attributes
  • Chemical analysis
  • Microbial testing
  • Contaminants monitoring

Milk Testing From Tanker

Produced Under New Zealand Government Regulations

New Zealand has Acts and Regulations to ensure all dairy products are safe for consumers and that manufacturers use fair and sustainable practices. All dairy products must comply with the Animal Products Act, 1999 and all milk suppliers must meet the New Zealand Animal Welfare standards.


All farms, transporters, processing and storage facilities operate under a Risk Management Programme (RMP). They are routinely audited to demonstrate compliance against the requirements of their RMP.

Supply Chain

There are systems in place throughout Maui Milk’s supply chain to ensure that high standards of safety and quality are being met.

Click on each icon to learn more.

The Farm

Farm Assurances

All milk is supplied from farms that have a verified Risk Management Plan (RMP) approved by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to ensure that the health and welfare of their sheep and the quality of their milk is maintained.

There are regular independent audits of each farm to ensure these requirements are being met.

  • Each animal is uniquely identified using a numbered ear tag.
  • Health checks and tests are regularly undertaken on sheep.
  • Any feed supplements are checked to ensure they are palm kernel extract (PKE) and GMO-free.
  • Records of milking are kept that include the date, time, quantity and temperature of collection, the temperature of the milk is continuously monitored.
  • Milk is filtered and cooled on the farm to ensure compliance with industry standards, then stored on the farm for collection.
  • Milk is collected from the farm using insulated tanker trucks.
  • A sample of the raw milk is taken and independently tested for a range of microbial, physical and chemical tests against regulatory requirements.
  • Milk is not accepted by the processing factory if it does not meet required specifications.
  • Milk is transported to the milk processor which is located within a 165km radius from each farm

The Factory

Factory Assurances

The factory operates under a Risk Management Programme (RMP) as required by the Animal Products Act, 1999 and is Halal Certified.

  • Samples of raw milk are tested to ensure quality and safety prior to further processing.
  • The milk is kept in a segregated silo until drying.
  • The raw milk is heat treated (pasteurised).
  • The sheep milk is concentrated using an evaporator to lower the moisture content. 
  • The concentrated milk is passed into the spray drier where is it turned into a fine powder.
  • The product is bulk packed into 20kg and 25kg multiwall bags with polyethylene liners to maintain product quality.
  • Each bag is coded for traceability.
  • The finished product is laboratory tested to ensure compliance against specification. This includes chemical, microbial, heavy metals and physical tests.


The transport company has a current Risk Management Programme (RMP) registered with the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) before it can freight any dairy products. 

This is a requirement of the Animal Products Act 1999. The transport company is audited by approved independent auditors to ensure standards are being met and maintained.


The shipping company ensures that the products are accompanied by all export documents that are required by the importing country including:

  • Customs documents
  • Official export certificates (issued by the NZ Ministry of Primary Industries, to ensure the product complies with NZ Regulations)
  • Certificates of analysis (containing laboratory results from chemical, microbial, contaminant and physical testing)

All documentation required by the importing country must be completed and approved before it can be loaded onto the ship. 

Southern Cross Sheep Breed

Established in 2017 Maui Milk’s purpose-built breeding programme is located at Waikino Station where they have developed a unique dairy sheep breed called the Southern Cross™.

Maui Milk suppliers have exclusive access to Southern Cross™ rams every season which assures them of genetic gain and genetic diversity.

Cute Lambs

Exclusive Milk Supply

The 10 farms supplying the sheep milk do so exclusively using a typical NZ pastoral based farming system where dairy sheep are free range and pasture fed.

To ensure animal health is maintained Maui Milk’s sheep milk supply farms seek support from professional veterinarians and must comply with the requirements stated in the New Zealand Animal Welfare Act 1999, which is governed by the Ministry for Primary Industries.

Messages from Maui Milk

From the place sheep call home

If there’s a single place in the world that sheep would call home, it would be New Zealand - a country known for having more sheep than people.

Maui Milk was born in 2014 out of a very simple belief, that New Zealand has all the ingredients necessary to create a better, more nutritious and more sustainable dairy product.

Since 2017 Maui Milk's breeding programme has used selective breeding to develop a unique sheep variety that is perfectly tailored to the New Zealand environment. Southern Cross™ sheep are able to consistently deliver high yields of the most densely nutritious milk product possible for our customers.

In 2021 Maui Food Group formed to align Maui Milk’s genetics programme, milk production, processing and marketing, supporting us to take our sheep milk to the world.

Sheep On Farm

Sheep milk nutrition

We believe New Zealand sheep milk is the next big thing in mainstream health. Not only is it packed full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, it tastes great too - it's mild, sweet and creamy, much like cow's milk.

Sheep have been raised for milk for thousands of years and were milked before cows, making dairy a huge part our diet for somewhere between 6,000 and 8,000 years.

Being rich in essential nutrients, milk has nourished families worldwide for generation after generation—and we’re proud to be part of continuing this healthy tradition.

Family On Farm