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Gourmet Direct Rose Veal

AQ 보증으로 검증된 제품 특성

  • Verified 100% New Zealand Grown Meat
  • Verified Free Range on Pasture

Gourmet Direct Rose Veal is 100% New Zealand grown, sourced from animals that have been raised on farms within the Hawke's Bay region of the North Island of New Zealand.

Nz Map Hawkes Bay

Rose Veal is the name given to the meat coming from 'young beef' - animals which have been raised through to approx. 8 - 10 months old, resulting in meat with a characteristic rose - pink colour.

Gourmet Direct Rose Veal is licenced (Licence No. #119188) under the Buy New Zealand Made Campaign Limited.

The NZ Grown trademark used on pack signifies that a product is New Zealand grown according to the rules of the Fair-Trading Act and is governed by a set of rules (Code of Practice) of the Buy New Zealand Made Campaign. The logo also provides labelling compliance with the New Zealand (2018) Country of Origin Food Labelling Act.

Supply Chain

With a focus on animal welfare, the systems in place throughout Gourmet Directs supply chain ensure each pack of Gourmet Direct Rose Veal meets high standards of food safety and quality.

Animal Welfare Assurances

Calves must be afforded the same care and treatment as any other farm animal in New Zealand.

There are regulations in place to ensure the welfare of calves is maintained throughout their lives.

These regulations include:

Calf Raising

Traditionally in New Zealand bobby calves were viewed as an unwanted by-product of dairy farming. Gourmet Direct have undertaken a project where calves are raised through to approx. 8 -10 months of age prior to harvest.

The resulting meat has a rose-pink appearance, giving rise to its name- Rose Veal.

The calves are personally selected, NAIT registered, uniquely identified, and carefully transported back to the farm. Transportation occurs in the late afternoon when it is cooler as this reduces exposure of the animals to heat.

Purpose built, specialty shelter on the farm provides the young calves with deep comfortable bedding, access to fresh cows milk, water and food, fresh air and sunshine while giving protection from adverse weather conditions.

The fresh milk is sourced from a small herd of cows dedicated to producing milk for the young calves.

As the young calves grow, they transition outside where they free range on pasture for the next 8-10 months.

To ensure the calves receive balanced nutrition for optimum growth and health, supplementary feed is also provided which includes hay, baleage and crops grown on the farm.

Portable shelters and natural topographical features on the farm provide protection from adverse weather conditions.

Once the vealers have reached their required age and size, they are transported for processing.

New Zealand Regulations

New Zealand has regulations in place to ensure that the welfare of animals is maintained throughout the supply chain including the processes of transportation and slaughter.

Processing Assurances

The processing facility complies with the requirements and obligations of New Zealand's Acts and Regulations including the New Zealand Animal Products Act 1999.

This includes operating under an  MPI (Ministry for Primary Industries) approved RMP (Risk Management Plan) and adhering to the relevant Codes of Practice for meat and game.

The cuts of Rose Veal are vacuum packed and labelled in accordance with FSANZ (Food Standards Australia New Zealand) to ensure traceability of the product. 

The vacuum packs are either chilled or frozen prior to delivery to Gourmet Direct's Retail outlet in Napier.

Retail Assurances

Gourmet Direct store and display the processed and packed Rose Veal within temperature-controlled fridges and freezers.

To demonstrate ongoing food safety and traceability of the product, Gourmet Direct are verified through a National Food Control Plan.

Gourmet Direct Rose Veal is available for purchase directly from the Gourmet Direct retail shop or through an online ordering system where product can be dispatched throughout New Zealand.

The online orders are dispatched to consumers in specifically designed packing to ensure the product arrives fresh to consumers.

The AQ Assured™ brand and QR code can be scanned to provide consumer confidence of the food safety and quality measures undertaken throughout the supply chain.

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Fresh Milk Supply

The young calves drink fresh cow’s milk as part of a balanced diet through to weaning.

The fresh milk is sourced from a small herd of cows dedicated to producing milk for the young calves.

To compliment the fresh milk supply and to ensure the growing animals receive the right nutrition at the right time, other supplementary feeds are incorporated into the diet. This includes hay, baleage and crops that are grown directly on the farm.

Animal Welfare

The calves are raised on a New Zealand family owned and operated farm, now into its second generation.

A key priority for the farmers is ensuring the welfare of the calves is maintained at every life stage while under their care.

When the calves are very young, they are cared for within purpose - built specialty sheds. This provides the calves with deep comfortable bedding, access to fresh cow’s milk, water, and food, along with fresh air and sunshine with protection from adverse weather.

The calves continue to receive fresh cow’s milk as part of their diet until they are fully weaned.

Once they transition to free range outside on grass and pasture, they remain in their social herd growing and gaining weight for the next 8 -10 months and can reach weights of approximately 240kg.

Supplementary feed including home grown crops ensures the animals receive the correct nutrient balance throughout their lives.

Outside on the farm portable shelter along with natural topographical features provide weather protection for the young beef when needed.

Young Beef


The farm must must comply with the requirements New Zealand Animal Welfare Act 1999, which is governed by the Ministry for Primary Industries.

The standards require animals to be allowed the following five freedoms:

  • Freedom to display normal patterns of behaviour
  • Freedom from thermal and physical discomfort
  • Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition
  • Freedom from distress
  • Freedom from, or rapid treatment of, illness or injury

Commencing from birth, each step in the supply chain adheres to strict New Zealand Regulations.

Farms operate in accordance with the Animal Products Act 1999.

The processing facility operates under a risk management program (RMP) which is routinely audited by New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries to ensure compliance NZ Regulations including to the NZ Animal Products Act 1999 (APA).

The retail outlet for the Rose Veal operates under an MPI registered Food Control Plan to ensure the food safety and quality of the meat is maintained through to the consumer.

Gourmet Direct Rose Veal purchased through on- line orders are vacuum sealed and packed within a corrugated cardboard box containing cool wool to ensure the product reaches the consumer without compromise to food safety or quality.

Veal Casserole

  • Verified 100% NZ grown meat: the animals are raised on a family-owned farm within the Hawke’s Bay Region of New Zealand.
  • Verified Free Range, Pasture Fed: post weaning, the young beef free range outside throughout the year grazing on grass and pasture to around 8 -10 months of age. Supplementary feeding ensures that their nutritional needs are met.
  • Rose Coloured Meat: the meat is rose pink in colour due to the age (maturity) and diet of the young beef.

받은 메세지 Gourmet Direct

GD Rose Veal and cows


For decades Gourmet Direct has been delivering premium meat to food connoisseurs all across New Zealand.

Now the online meat purveyor is offering a mature veal product that ticks all the boxes for the discerning customer just like you.

Gourmet Direct New Zealand Rose Veal is high in taste and low in environmental impacts making it an all round healthy choice.

raw veal and sage


It takes exceptional farmers to produce an exceptional product.

Hawke’s Bay Beef and Dairy farmers Paul and Wilma Janssen operate their family run business sharing in our philosophy which is centered around respectful raising of calves, with animal welfare given the highest priority.

Our young calves are raised on a diet that includes fresh natural cow’s milk sourced directly from the farm.

Then they spend the next 8 -10 months grazing freely outside on pasture.


“We are developing a model that’s as natural as possible. We don’t use any milk substitutes. The animals are raised on cow’s milk direct from the farm free-grazing on grass,” says Gourmet Direct CEO Kate King.


Gourmet Direct Rose Veal aims to be one of the most environmentally friendly meats available, with a strong emphasis on sustainability and a low carbon footprint.

Eat Great Meat

cooked veal