Grass Fed Certification

The AQ Certified Grass Fed Mark provides confidence that products displaying the Mark were produced with a high standard of animal welfare. Products that are Certified across the supply chain can be licensed to display the AQ Certified Grass Fed Mark on-pack. This helps shoppers quickly identify attributes that are important to them and provides the next level of confidence in your product.

AsureQuality Grass Fed Certification

  • Covers the farm, processing, and packing environments
  • Provides verification of feed records, product separation and traceability
  • Provides trusted validation for customers and consumers
  • Offers increased marketability and supports a compelling brand story
  • Supports differentiation and brand advantage, particularly in export markets

What "Grass Fed" claims mean

Companies wishing to label their products as “Grass Fed” must be Certified across the relevant components of their business to ensure this claim is truthful. This means that “Grass Fed” claims may only be used on products where their supply chain has been certified to carry the Mark.

Certification is the process of a third party agency formally attesting to the properties of, in this case, “Grass Fed” product. The certification confirms that producers of "Grass Fed" product only use approved feed types in the required quantities to enable “Grass Fed” claims to be made on product. There are also checks in place to ensure accurate feed records and strict product separation is maintained during processing.

If you would like more information about the AQ Certified Mark, please contact us.