AQ Assured by AsureQuality, New Zealand's Government-owned food assurance company.

Tenda Follow-on Formula
900g Can, 17g Sachet (30 Sachets in a box)


  • Enviro-Mark Certification

Enviro-Mark Certified

Tenda is Enviro-Mark certified. This means it has an independently audited environmental management system focussed on preventing pollution, minimising waste, and ensuring the safe treatment and disposal of any waste.

Tenda Formula is strictly regulated under the Food Standards Code for Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ).

Nz Map Christchurch

Tenda Formula is made and packaged in New Zealand.

Animal Health and Welfare

All milk suppliers for Tenda Formula meet the New Zealand Animal Welfare standards.

Tenda Formula is laboratory tested for safety throughout the production process at an independent and accredited laboratory.

Quality and Safety Procedures Audited

Official Verifiers recognised by New Zealand's Ministry for Primary Industries audit:

  • Manufacturing Risk Management Programmes every three months to ensure standards are being met.
  • Continuously audit the farmers, processors and packaging facilities to ensure that these standards are being maintained.

Made under New Zealand Government Regulations

New Zealand has Acts and Regulations in place to ensure all dairy products produced are safe for consumers and that manufacturers use fair and sustainable practices. All dairy products must comply with the Animal Products Act, 1999 and all milk suppliers must meet the New Zealand Animal Welfare standards.

These regulations include:

  • No hormones or growth promotants are permitted
  • All food safety hazards must be controlled using Codex based HACCP principles
  • All chemicals used on a manufacturing site must be approved by the Ministry for Primary Industries
  • Hygiene standards for facilities, equipment and people must be met.

All companies involved in the production, manufacture, transport, packaging and/or storage of dairy products must comply with the requirements of the Animal Products Act, 1999. This Act requires that all producers, manufacturers, transporters, packing and storage facilities operate a Risk Management Programme.